
This is Taco and I – Taco is a Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo of about 8 years I recently adopted.

But Taco isn’t where my love for birds started.

It started with my little grey cockatiel, Kraaitjie, whom I got from my mom as a birthday gift a few years ago.  I simply fell in love with his quirky cuteness!  Kraaitjie now has a yellow friend named Kiewiet and they’re very much in love.

I’ve always loved animals, but here on the farm I have the space and freedom to also surround myself with funny waddling ducks, colourful sleek ducks and noisy guinea fowl and, and, and…

It was only natural that Beaks and Feathers would be born from this – a place to share and serve other bird nerds like me.

It is simply All About Birds!
